Today is 17 March 2012 – Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Gosh, where has the year gone? And some year. Lots of health problems, friends and family of friends dying, more health problems and all the other shit going on in the world. Some year. But, hey, I see the Karcinogen woman is still in the news. What’s up with her? And she seems to have some sister who also made a smart marriage choice and they seem to be famous as well. I guess they are sort of like the trailer-trash version of Paris Hilton – or, perhaps Hilton is the penthouse version of them. Who knows…Who cares? And there is some woman who lives in New Jersey named Squeaky or Smoggy or Snotty or something like that who’s three feet tall and wears a 48 D. I think she was on the Ellen Degenerate show. I’m not sure why she’s famous either. (Am I starting to sound like Andy Rooney? I know I’m starting to look like him.) Wow, what an election. I told you Nit (as in Wit) was going to win the nomination. But Sanitorium and Pnewt are still hanging in there, making life as miserable as they can for those around them. Here’s a scary thought: Nit puts Sanitorium on his ticket as his running mate. And there are enough senseless bastards in this country to put them in the White House (remember “W”?) I was going to move to Canada when Reagan was elected. This would drive me there for sure. Seriously, can you see any of these guys as President? Nit is a total idiot, Sanitorium is too scary for words and Gnewt is a big fat toad with no brain at all. He should run with Lush Limbaugh. That would bring truth to the saying: “There’s not enough room in Washington for the both of us”.
Wasn’t this year’s Super Bowl the best ever? Although I don’t understand all of the hype over Madonna’s performance. I thought it was lackluster. And I have no idea who the “performers” on stage with her were. Who is C Low Mein and what does he do? Live in New Jersey too?
Nice weather, huh? What global warming?
Hey, I too had a colonoscopy recently. That was fun. And the damn doctor didn’t even take me out to dinner and he hasn’t called either.
Well, the green beer truck just arrived and I have to go help unload it, bottle by bottle. I love St. Patrick’ Day. It’s the only time when I don’t mind hearing women say: “Oh, look at the wee one.”